Help Us Empower the People

Your involvement is crucial in bringing hope and tangible transformation to those in need. Join us in making a real difference in the lives of others today. You can provide vital support through prayer, donations, and participation in a mission trip. Contact us if you want to customize a trip for your company, family, group, or church.

Business Sponsorships

The concept of sponsorship entails providing opportunities for local businesses in the United States to support these endeavors. By offering sponsorship packages tailored to each business type—bakery, butchery, grocery store, and restaurant—we aim to secure financing from comparable businesses in the United States. Sponsors will be acknowledged based on their sponsorship level, with benefits including a trip to the grand opening, recognition through a plaque displayed at the sponsored business, as well as acknowledgment on our social media platforms and website.

Empower Through Giving

Join Us in Prayer

By partnering with us in prayer, you become an integral part of our mission, impacting and empowering lives. We have witnessed God`s miraculous work in the past, and we are confident He will continue to act!

  • Daily Need
  • Monthly Need
  • Needs for Provisions
  • Team development
  • Donors
  • People to go and serve
  • Team development
  • Donors
  • People to go and serve
  • Daily needs
  • Support
  • Other needs
Grocery Store
  • Team development
  • Donors
  • People to go and serve
  • Team development
  • Donors
  • People to go and serve

Go on a Mission Trip

Physically participating in mission trips offers a unique opportunity to directly impact communities in need through construction and other empowering acts of service. Your presence not only provides practical assistance but also fosters personal connections and cultural understanding, creating a lasting impact. Joining a mission trip allows you to witness firsthand the transformative power of service and play a vital role in building a brighter future for those in need.

Click below to see current trip opportunities, or contact us if you want to customize a trip for your company, family, group, or church.

Join Us!